I got my new hammock!

Two days after my last post, I did the following:

  1. Ordered a new hammock: Hammeck Netty in Hexon 1.6 brilliant blue with straps & cinch buckles, as well as AmSteel continuous loops
  2. Ordered a 3 season underquilt for me: Arrowhead Equipment Kick Ass Quilts New River (regular sized)
  3. Ordered a 3 season underquilt for Benny: Arrowhead Equipment Kick Ass Quilts Jarbridge River 3/4

I had been emailing back and forth with David Meck of Hammeck in regards to their Netty model, of all of the options & combinations/concerns that were available/that I had.  That said, I wrote David one last email this morning:


I wanted to relay to you how impressed I am with your family’s dedication to quality and customer service.  I can’t even begin to tell you how much you helped my purchase process by just taking the time out to correspond with me in regards to my desires and needs in a hammock.  That correspondence sealed the deal with me, and I was more than happy to order my hammock from your family!

I received my Hammeck Netty in good order on Friday as promised by USPS.  My total time from order to receipt was 15 days, far under your 21 day turnaround time (not including shipping).  I am extremely excited as I will be able to comfortably enjoy the campout with the Boy Scouts this coming weekend, and will be able to let a couple of scouts use my other hammocks to see if they would enjoy hanging on the campouts as well.

I was finally able to set my hammock up in my garage to test it out last night, and am extremely satisfied with the quality of every aspect of my new blue Netty.  The ease of set up really surprised me, especially since I had never used cinch buckles before.  Thank you for recommending that I get them.  After watching a few videos, I have also decided to order some Dutchware Clips to round out my suspension kit.

I have been sharing my purchasing experience with you and your family with all of my camping buddies in hopes that when they are ready to purchase a quality hammock, that they do it from you.  I have also shared my experience with some hangers on a firearms forum that I belong to.

As soon as the coming weekend is over, and I have had a chance to sleep in my new Netty, I will be writing a review for posting on my little blog website (ronsimoneau.com).   I look forward to being able to share my experience with my new hammock, and hopefully sending some business your way!

This weekend is another Boy Scout campout, and I can’t wait to try my hammock/underquilt combination out for the first time!  I’ll get some better pictures as well…….

hammock no net

hammock w net